The European Network for Corporate Social Responsibility and Disability (CSR+D)

Led by Fundación ONCE between 2009 and 2015

Logo of CSR+D

The European Network for Corporate Social Responsibility and Disability (CSR+D) led by Fundación ONCE and co-funded by the European Social Fund was developed between 2009 and 2015, to promote the integration of disability into the political and CSR agendas with the aim of favouring the social and labour inclusion of people with disabilities, as well as contributing to the development of a responsible competitiveness of companies and public administrations. With a multistakeholder approach, the Network focused its work on fields like sustainability reporting, employment, accessibility of goods, products and services, the role of public administrations in the promotion of CSR, as well as social innovation and social entrepreneurship.


CSR+D was developed under the Operational Programme Fight against Discrimination (2007-2013) which ended in 2015 and co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

For more information on all the activities on transnational cooperation, including CSR+D check this publication.

CSR + D counted with the support of relevant entities such as:


Telefonica logo

Loreal logo

Logo of the Italian Ministry of Social Policy


And with the collaboration of the associated members:


Association Française des Managers de la Diversité (AFDM) (France), Capgemini (Spain), Ecodes (Spain), EIDD - Design for All Europe (Ireland), Essl Foundation (Austria), European Disability Forum (EDF) (Belgium), Federazione Associazioni Nazionali Disabili (FAND) (Italy), Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell’Handicap (FISH) (Italy), Forética (Spain), Fundación Triodos (Spain), Gobierno de Extremadura (Spain), ICSR - Italian Centre for Social Responsibility (Italy), Kanchi (Ireland), Sanofi (Spain) and Sodexo (France)


What are CSR+D main achievements?