Disability Hub Europe is built collectively based on key alliances and partnerships with different organizations from the business sector, CSR or sustainability/environmental-related platforms, civil society entities and other organizations committed in one way or another to sustainability and disability.
DHub Partners
The project operates on the basis of a core multi-stakeholder group from different EU countries. The spirit of D-Hub is to achieve impact with the joint effort and collaboration of involved and committed partners.
Fundación ONCE - Leader Partner
Fundación ONCE’s mission is to promote the equality and inclusion of people with disabilities and their families, with a special focus on training, employment and universal accessibility of goods, services and environments. It is founded by ONCE (the National organization of the blind in Spain) and comprises in its board of trustees the main organizations of persons with disabilities in the country, including CERMI (the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities).
"The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs include a clear message that sustainability has an important social dimension, recognizing people with disabilities, more than 80 million European citizens. Fundación ONCE leads DHub, with the support of the ESF, to promote the potential of the binomial Disability and Sustainability, with a special focus on employment and on advancing towards an inclusive economy, leaving no one behind". José Luis Martínez Donoso, General Director, Fundación ONCE.
European Disability Forum
The European Disability Forum is an independent NGO that defends the interests of 80 million Europeans with disabilities. A unique platform that brings together representative organizations of persons with disabilities from across Europe.
“It is essential to foster social and labour inclusion of persons with disabilities in Europe while promoting sustainable business for all. EDF is glad to support this initiative and will help disseminate best labour practices for a future that leaves no one behind.” Catherine Naughton, Director of the European Disability Forum (EDF)
L’Oréal is a French personal care company that creates beauty products for people around the globe. To ensure that L’Oréal products meet the needs of every form of beauty, they believe their workforce must be as diverse and inclusive as the world itself.
"People with disabilities bring unique experiences and ideas to the table. Like every sort of diversity, different types of capacities and points of view enhance our mission. L´Oréal values people for their personal qualities, their skills and their contributions." Margaret Johnston-Clarke, Global Diversity & Inclusion VP
CSR Europe
CSR Europe is the leading European business network for Corporate Social Responsibility. Through their network of 46 corporate members and 41 National CSR organizations, they gather over 10,000 companies, and act as a united platform for those businesses looking to enhance sustainable growth.
"We are very happy to become engaged as a DHub partner. Through our contribution to this collaborative initiative, we hopefully will support expanding and disseminating at EU level the potential of the binomial Disability and Sustainability". Stefan Crets, Executive Director, CSR Europe
Dow is a chemical company that believes Inclusion & Diversity is a business imperative and is not only the right thing to do, but it´s the smart thing to do. It is striving to create an environment where every employee is respected and valued and has an equal opportunity to develop, advance and be heard.
"At Dow, we are focused on building an inclusive workplace for ALL that will benefit our team, our customers, our communities and our bottom line. And we take pride in the progress we have made, while recognizing we have more work to do in order to deliver on our ambition and ensure Dow shines brighter in the future. We are ALL IN". Karen Carter, Chief Inclusion Officer
Global Business and Disability Network
The ILO Global Business and Disability Network is a unique employer-led initiative that works to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in workplaces around the world. Their members include multinational enterprises, national business and disability networks, and international not-for-profit and disabled people’s organizations. Through their work, their members demonstrate the clear business benefits of employing people with disabilities and highlight the valuable contributions they bring workplaces of all kinds.
"The ILO Global Business and Disability Network is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with DHub to continue promoting decent work of persons with disabilities, with a focus on employment in the private sector." Shauna Olney, Chief of the Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch (GED)
Global Reporting Initiative
Global Reporting Initiative is the independent international organization that helps businesses, governments and other organizations around the world understand and communicate their sustainability impacts. The GRI Standards are the most widely used sustainability reporting framework in the world.
myAbility is a Social Enterprise with its roots in the German speaking region. Its aim is to build an inclusive business world together with companies, organisations, and networks across Europe. MyAbility leads the Austrian and Swiss DisAbility Business Forum. It also offers consultancy services on strategy, digital accessibility and the measurement of inclusion, as well as training to build disability confidence in thousands of business professionals every year. myAbility.jobs is the biggest jobboard for people with disabilities in the region.
“We believe that through collaboration and networks like D-Hub we will achieve our goal to have impact on one million people until 2027. Together with our allies we will create a more inclusive and stronger business world.” Wolfgang Kowatsch, Co-founder myAbility
New allies
D-Hub is in permanent search of new allies, including organizations linked to climate action and just transition, fostering its capacities to go further.
Would you like your organization to become a partner of D-Hub Europe? Please, contact us secretary@disabilityhub.eu