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Business for Just Transition report at the European SDG Summit
26 Oct 2022

In the run-up of the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, CSR Europe, a partner of Disability Hub Europe, convened on October 10, 11 and 12, sustainability leaders from around the world in the European SDG Summit: Together for an Inclusive Green Deal. The 2022 edition included 3 high-level plenary sessions and 18 interactive round tables on the SDGs, all of them aimed at reconciling climate action with the pressing need for a just transition.

Under this framework, CSR Europe launched the Business for Just Transition report, a publication that includes the European Business Roadmap for a Just Transition as well as the second edition of the European Sustainable Industry Barometer (see first edition). In this regard, it is worth noting that the proposed roadmap, developed by CSR Europe's People Leaders Hub, provides high-level guidance for businesses to build their own Just Transition plans in Europe that includes strategic orientation as well as, methodologies and tools to incorporate the just transition into the organization's strategy and operations: how to address inequalities, quality jobs, labor inclusion, resilient supply chains...

For its part, the Barometer, developed in collaboration with Moody's ESG Solutions, provides data on the social dimension of the ESG efforts of European industry federations and companies. The report demonstrates how European sectors are contributing to and managing social risks today. One of the relevant findings is that despite the high exposure to digitization, there are low levels of preparation to support a just transition. However, the barometer also highlights the value of any progress made and where additional efforts are needed.

In addition, this report also highlights several initiatives that promote the focus specifically on the issues of diversity and inclusion in the corporate ecosystem. Among these, the report highlights our mission as DHUB, to promote equality and inclusion of people with disabilities.

The summit not only served to present this second edition of the European Barometer of Sustainable Industry, but also served to highlight the current data on the level of sustainability and maturity of European companies, with a special focus on the social dimension of their efforts on achieving the SDGs.