On October 27th, DHub promoted the roundtable, “Disability in the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs” at the CSRE European SDG Summit.

The session has brought the opportunity to learn about the binomial Disability and Sustainability. Considering that disability is part of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, no goal will be achieved if we don’t pay special attention to people with disabilities and their related targets. In this sense, DHub, as an initiative aligned to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, was presented. Further, disability related challenges regarding the following topics: future of work and digitalization, non-financial reporting and inclusion and diversity strategies were discussed.

The session counted with key European actors and helped participants to learn on: 

  • The presence of disability related targets in the Agenda 2030 and SDGs
  • The relevance of disability inclusion to promote inclusive and sustainable businesses
  • What are the reflections of key European actors
  • Why multi-stakeholder collaboration is key to foster more inclusive businesses and societies

To ensure accessibility, live captioning and sign language were provided during the event.

Check the recording here.

Read DHub press note here.
