The enforcement of the Directive 2014/95/EU on the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information has set a clear path to enhance business transparency as regards sustainability within the European Union (EU). The 27 EU Member States have transposed the Directive into their national legislation and, therefore, have established a national framework for businesses on the disclosure of environmental, social and employee-related matters, human rights, anti-corruption and bribery.

Fundación ONCE has developed the study "Non-financial information and disability reporting in the European Union: An in-depth anañysis of the Spanish case", under the framework of DHub, in order to analyse to what extent the transpositions of the EU legislation by the Member States took into consideration disability.

Bearing in mind that Spanish non-financial reporting legislation is a pioneer as regards the consideration of people with disabilities, the report also analyses what impact this legislation might have had on the information published by leading Spanish companies (through their non-financial information reports, sustainability/CSR reports and corporate governance reports).

The report finds out that most national transpositions of the Directive have included diversity in general terms, without explicit reference to disability and accessibility. However, this did not deter two countries, Spain and France, from including specific, measurable metrics for disability and accessibility. The further in-depth analysis of the Spanish IBEX 35® constituents (considering a total of 235 company reports ) reveals that the entry into force of Law 11/2018 (transposing Directive 2014/95/ EU into Spanish legislation) had an impact on greater transparency as regards the disclosure of disability indicators.

The publication has been presented in a webinar organized by Fundación ONCE and GRI, in DHub framework.

Non-financial information and disability reporting in the European Union: An in-depth analysis of the Spanish case cover